Have you ever received an email that went to hundreds of people and suddenly people are replying all over the place and it just.... won't.....stop????

That happened to me today.

In fact, it may have happened to you too! It appears I am part of some giant listserv for the FSU career center. Someone emailed the listserv asking for resume help, and suddenly there were 72 emails in my inbox within 10 minutes. 

Holy Cow

Sure enough, about half of them were "Stop hitting reply all!" A couple people didn't realize it was a listserv and were genuinely trying to be helpful, and the rest..... they just had fun with it. Suddenly people were joking about dropping a new hit album, sharing their Instagram, talking about hitting up the Tallahassee clubs, and making plans for breakfast. 

And then.... someone decided to "take it offline" and create a GroupMe. I've actually never heard of this before... is this what all the cool kids are using these days (hah)? At this point I was pretty amused so I decided to follow my curiosity.

I signed up, and then started reading the very ridiculous messages. People were talking about anything and everything. Fast forward a few hours later, and there's 74 Noles in the group. I wonder how many people were originally on that listserv! I'll probably stay in the group for a day or two for amusement before exiting gracefully. 

GroupMe is pretty interesting. It seems a lot like WhatsApp, but it has the ability to connect to your phone number to receive text messages. If you aren't active right away in the texts, the group will mute itself, which then requires you to open the app to view the messages. I had to log in to the web app to add a profile photo, but it's a clever app nevertheless. You can create new groups and share links or QR codes to add people- phone number not necessary. 

I suppose I'm not enough 'in the know' to understand when GroupMe use is appropriate, but maybe I'll see it around more frequently and start to know when people tend to use it. 

Have you ever used GroupMe before? How do YOU use it? 
Do you have any good 'reply all' stories?
I want to hear them!


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